LenderKit Receives a P2P Finance Award: P2P Software Provider of the Year

At first, LenderKit was nominated for a P2P Finance Award, but it had been “a secret” until the event took place at London’s Hurlingham Club on December 6, 2022. 

P2P Finance brought together over 170 P2P lending stakeholders for a night of festivities and celebration. During the event, the list of award winners was announced as well. 

Alongside the best of the industry, LenderKit received a P2P Finance Award and has been recognized as a P2P Software Provider of the Year. 

It’s a big step for the company, because as Konstantin Boyko, the CEO and Co-founder at LenderKit, said: 

Winning awards never was our primary goal — creating value was and still is — but being recognised by the industry means something.

LenderKit wins a P2P finance award

We are grateful to our customers, the LenderKit team and P2P Finance for all of the efforts, support and trust. 

Becoming an award-winning software is never easy but maintaining this status and keeping the services up to the standards is even harder. However, we are up for the challenge, and we’ll keep working towards becoming a better product and helping our clients achieve the highest business results. 

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