More Secure, User-friendly and Flexible – LenderKit Features Update

We’re excited to announce a new feature release! This is great news for startups and established businesses because LenderKit has become more secure, user-friendly and flexible. Here is what that means. 

Startups can now have a more tailored crowdfunding platform with one or multiple investment flows combined all in one platform:

It has become much easier to manage a full fundraising cycle from deal sourcing to solicitation and post-funding support. 

Established businesses that are looking to expand their sales capabilities and automate processes can now integrate LenderKit into their business ecosystem. You can now allow multiple staff members to use LenderKit and each will be responsible for their own set of operations and data.

Released features

Permissions module allows you as an admin to assign permissions to advisors, investment managers, accountants, data protection managers, and other personnel. This feature is extremely valuable when you need to have multiple people using the platform and have access to the permitted parts of the software and its functionality. 

GDPR module will help you adhere to data protection rules. Speaking about GDPR, the first thing that comes to mind is probably browser cookies. However, in a fintech structure such as a crowdfunding platform, data protection is the first-line requirement. 

Crowdfunding platforms collect all sorts of data including IDs, articles of association, business plans, financial statements, market data, UBO, and other information. The platform owner must ensure that the data is encrypted, stored securely, can be sent to the verified and authorised recipient on-demand, and can be deleted if required. So, we implemented this functionality in LenderKit to facilitate your GDPR compliance procedures.

Google Analytics integration allows you to track offering traffic, configure tags, set up goals and more. Connecting to an industry-leading powerful tool will bring more insights to your marketing department and open new optimization opportunities.

Notification centre helps you create custom notification templates. You can set up notifications for various activities on your platform and then send updates to your users such as investors and fundraisers. 

In Q3, our team worked extensively on speed and security updates as well as UI/UX or design elements which made LenderKit more usable and intuitive. You can now use plenty of new widgets to visualize important data right in your dashboard. This will help you get new insights and expand on your platform’s analytics and monitoring capabilities and will help you make better decisions. 

Beyond that, small changes concerned internal updates that sped up set-ups of new projects. Many things have been updated in the existing modules and libraries that contribute to overall platform performance and security. 

Want to refresh your impression of LenderKit? Don’t hesitate to book a live demo!

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