How AI in Crowdfunding Elevates User Experience: Actual Use Cases

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the newest trend in all fields and crowdfunding doesn’t stay aside. There are many use cases of how AI can be used for crowdfunding: 

  • Create narratives for crowdfunding campaigns
  • Generate graphic content and videos
  • Launch and optimize marketing campaigns
  • Help platforms with due diligence
  • Assess the project’s viability and even forecast the return on investment

While all these things sound good on paper, let’s dive deeper into the AI use cases in crowdfunding and explore how real tools help individuals, project owners and platforms with their daily tasks on the path to success.

AI for content creation and marketing

Creating content is probably one of the most common AI use cases. However, to create proper content, one should understand how the tool works, and be ready for the fact that no tool can replace a high-class human specialist. AI tools use the content that is already available online for their creations, and their accuracy depends on the data fed or found online.

Among the vast variety of AI tools for writing, the creation of graphic content, and videos, the following are worth your attention.

HyperWrite’s сrowdfunding сampaign generator


HyperWrite’s crowdfunding campaign generator helps to create a compelling description for a crowdfunding campaign by taking the project name, funding goal and short description into account. It is especially helpful for those looking to launch a new product, to organize a community project, or to support a non-profit or social cause.

copy ai is a powerful content-generation tool that can help with drafting a compelling campaign description, creating a copy for the campaign launch, writing an email, and a campaign page copy. 



Klaviyo is a tool created for writing emails and SMM copies. It applies AI, data science, and analytics to write personalized content. It takes time and practice to learn how to use it for maximum efficiency, but those who start with a new product will see benefits rapidly.

Canva Magic Design


While the “AI” element is rather questionable with this one, Canva Magic Design allows you to input any media or text and based on it, the tool will generate customized design templates such as campaign page header graphics, timeline graphics, reward graphics, and others.



Unbounce is a smart landing page creation tool that adjusts the graphics and content of the website pages to optimize traffic. AI copywriter helps to remix, rewrite, and expand content, and AI smart builder helps to create landing pages with its automated design suggestions. 

GiveAsia’s proprietary AI tool for content creation

GiveAsia, a leading Asian-based free crowdfunding platform for social causes, has developed its own AI-based tool called Sidekick to assist fundraisers with campaign creation. This tool works based on open models, including OpenAI, and can generate written content, infographics, images, and even short videos. Users only need to provide details for infographics or videos for editing.

Google ai is used by all types of businesses. Google AI is a part of Google Cloud and offers plenty of tools for building, training, and deploying machine learning models. Building predictive models, audience segmentation, video and image analysis, A/B testing for campaign elements are just a few of its features.

The main drawback of this platform is its difficulty. Those who are not familiar with AI and machine learning may need to consult with a specialist to implement it correctly for crowdfunding.

DealMaker, an investment solution, integrates with the Google AI suite to optimize the investor experience in capital raising. With $100K in credits, DealMaker aims to integrate AI throughout their platform to enhance user experience from investor flows to shareholder management. Their objective is to drive efficiency, increase investor conversion, and make online capital raising faster and more accessible.

AI for risk assessment and project evaluation in investment crowdfunding

Determining the risk associated with a specific investment is one of the main challenges investors have to deal with. Extensive due diligence, including evaluating market trends, analyzing property data, and assessing the creditworthiness of project owners is a must. AI-powered solutions can collect and process vast volumes of data from online sources and information fed by a user to pick projects with higher growth potential. 



Forloop is a tool that uses AI-driven analytics to assist real estate crowdfunding platforms in picking the best projects, and for investors, this tool helps to make the wisest investing decisions.

The tool collects data from anywhere: websites, maps, or 3rd party platforms. Then, the data is cleaned with no-code tools and transformed into a format ready for use. 

RealtyMogul’s proprietary AI underwriting technology

In 2019, RealtyMogul, a well-known real-estate crowdinvesting platform, sold its proprietary AI underwriting tool to Hunt Real Estate Capital. The tool was supposedly helping with commercial real estate underwriting while being adaptable to different companies and platforms.

Gridium AI for energy efficiency in real estate

RealCrowd, now a part of Trinity Investors, explored a potential use of Gridium AI solutions to offer building owners and managers tools to optimize energy consumption, reduce costs, and comply with regulations. The point of the conversion was to explore how leveraging data analytics and pattern recognition, Gridium can potentially aid with retrofitting buildings for sustainability, enhancing operational efficiency, and future-proofing against regulatory changes.

AI for due diligence 

AI-powered due diligence is a cutting-edge approach that allows to enhance and streamline the process. By employing advanced data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and natural language processing, this technology allows to automate the tedious due diligence procedures that earlier used to be performed manually thus enhancing efficiency and reducing the time needed for checks.

AI tools are capable of collecting, analyzing, and processing huge volumes of data from all possible sources including social networks, financial documents, customer feedback, industry trends, other crowdfunding platforms, and others. AI can swiftly extract relevant information from these resources and synthesize valuable insights.

By using machine learning algorithms, AT can detect patterns and anomalies that may be missed by a human analyst and help to identify hidden risks or discover new investment opportunities. 

AI tools can scan documents within a fraction of a second to identify key clauses, red flags, and incompliances thus reducing manual work. 

For now, there are no specific AI tools developed to perform due diligence in crowdfunding, however, one can use all-purpose AI-powered software.

Microsoft Copilot


Microsoft Copilot can be used to perform the basic due diligence for investment crowdfunding. Devin Thorpe, the CEO at Superpowers for Good explored how one can use AI prompts to accelerate the process and see whether the project is worth deeper due diligence and listing. 

The tool scans the project’s website to find out the goals and the potential social impact and checks online resources to find information about the team and management, deal terms, and even prospects and risks connected with the project.


Zbrain ai

While covering a diverse pool of business cases, ZBrain also offers AI solutions tailored for the investment industry, optimizing processes like financial risk management, operational efficiency analysis, contract analysis and portfolio recommendations. With features such as AI Risk Governance, no-code business logic creation, and AI agents, ZBrain empowers investment firms to make data-driven decisions and enhance productivity.

AI to design reward structure

There are some AI-powered tools created specifically for crowdfunding, namely, for Kickstarter, one of the biggest crowdfunding platforms. 



Perkfection is an AI-powered platform for Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns, automating rewards management to increase conversions. It monitors reward levels, tops up when running low, and creates urgency by showing nearly sold-out rewards. Perkfection also provides analytics dashboards to track campaign performance and offers a free trial.

Crowdfunding software for your investment business

While AI can be of great help, it works best when you have a solid foundation. At LenderKit, we offer white-label investment software for crowdfunding platforms, private equity firms and investment management companies. 

You can choose from ready-made white-label crowdfunding software packages and request custom development and integrations on demand. With LenderKit, you can easily launch a prototype platform or build a full-scale competitive investment marketplaces with payment processing, KYC automation and AI. 

If you’d like to learn more about the software and discuss your project requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the contact form. 

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