Explore bond crowdfunding — a reliable way for businesses to raise funds and investors to earn fixed returns. Learn about different bond types and how to launch your own platform.
Explore the power of tokenization in transforming traditional crowdfunding. From improving efficiency to global accessibility, see how NYALA and LenderKit are integrating blockchain for a smarter future.
The election of Donald Trump in 2024 may drive deregulation in crypto and equity crowdfunding, boosting token offerings and Reg CF. With SEC leadership changes, the industry expects a surge in innovation.
Discover the costs, fees, and timelines for obtaining a crowdfunding license in Europe. Learn about the licensing process, associated expenses, and the time required to launch your platform legally.
Explore the fascinating evolution of crowdfunding, from its early days with mail-order subscriptions to the modern era of online crowdfunding platforms.
Explore financial tools and companies, such as crowdfunding platforms and incubators, to secure funding for scientific projects. Learn how you can build your own science crowdfunding platform.
Explore the various DIFC license categories, and if you’re seeking a crowdfunding license, opt for the 4th category.
Discover the most inspiring crowdfunding success stories from billion-dollar companies around the globe. Start your own crowdfunding platform and be the launchpad for the next unicorn.
We are excited to announce that Konstantin Boyko, CEO and Co-founder of LenderKit and CrowdSpace, has been appointed as a Strategic Adviser to the GECA Steering Committee, bringing 15+ years of expertise in FinTech and crowdfunding.
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