Explore the Italian crowdfunding market including regulations, existing platforms that focus on startup and real estate financing. Learn how to start your own crowdfunding platform in Italy.
Learn about the P2P lending or equity crowdfunding market in Latvia and how you can start your own investment platform there. Explore the Latvian crowdfunding regulations and more.
Get started in the French crowdfunding market. Learn about the French crowdfunding regulations, platforms and how you can build your own crowdfunding platform in France.
Where should you start a crowdfunding platform in Europe? Should you launch in Germany, France, Spain, Italy or the Netherlands? Check out the article to learn more about European crowdfunding.
How suitable in the Dutch market for crowdfunding platfroms? How much does it cost to launch a crowdfunding platform in the Netherlands and whom will you compete with?
How will asset tokenization and crowdfunding will develop in Europe? Especially, with the introduction of the MiCa regulation in 2020 and an obvious attention from EuroCrowd in 2021.
Crowdfunding market in Germany is growing. The German securities commission adopted the ECSP framework which may affect German crowdfunding rules & trends.
With the heavy impact of war on the European market and the globe, sectors like Oil & Gas, Energy, Agriculture and Metallurgy may need additional financing from crowdfunding platforms and P2P lending marketplaces.
Learn more about the Lemonway payment processing provider and why you may want to consider integrating it for your crowdfunding marketplace. LenderKit partners with Lemonway to launch powerful crowdfunding platforms faster.
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