How to find the right balance between retail and institutional investors on your crowdfunding platform? Who is the most effective in financing crowdfunding campaigns quickly and reliably?
Crowdfunding platforms that work with payment gateways and open-banking platforms are likely to become competitive market players and provide enchanced user onboarding and faster payment processing
Get an overview of the Australian crowdfunding regulations, major crowdfunding platforms in Australia as well as the overall crowdfunding environment and tools to build your online platform.
Start your impact investing business while the industry is hot. Build your own crowdfunding platform or investment marketplace for financing COVID-related projects worldwide.
When building an online crowdfunding business, it’s extremely important to adapt to the industry changes, investor concerns and respond to them on time to stay relevant and useful.
Brazilian crowdfunding market has multiple platforms that focus on real estate, agritech, startups and other niches and you can join the game now by launching your own platform with LenderKit.
Explore different crowdfunding platforms and how they pay to investors, under what conditions and what are the pitfalls of payouts in crowdfunding.
There lots of buzzwords in the crowdfunding industry, P2P, P2B, B2B, B2C crowdfunding, etc. If you want to learn more about how crowdfunding grows from the business pespective, check this guide.
Learn about how to structure transactions in a crowdfunding platform and which option will give you more control over the money flows.
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